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Image Credits - DeviantArt.com

Where minds escape
Into a picturesque scape
Of waterfalls and butterflies
Touching rivers and skies
And ripples of reflection
Stream into a collection
Of clouds of reality
Or vast oceans of duality

Where hearts descend
Into a treacherous bend
Unfolding into an abyss
Emitting a cry and a hiss
While constantly falling
Deaf to the voices calling
Crashing into bare trees
Succumbing to the numb freeze

Where faces change
Into forms too strange
And bodies divide
Like petals untied
And souls are fused
From flames confused
And scenes are replaced
With memories displaced

This is where I drift
When sleep gives me a lift
This is where I head
When my eyes feel like lead

**Posted for One Shot Wednesday, and for Poetry Potluck… You will find some AWESOME poetic treasures here… Please PUHHLEEZE check ’em out!**

Perfect Poet Award - Week 34

Also, a word of thanks to Chris G. for nominating me as a Perfect Poet at Jingle’s  Thursday Poets Rally… Thanks a ton, Chris!! And thank you, Jingle, for letting me be part of this superb community! Here’s my award acceptance Haiku..
words of gratitude
never quite reflect the thoughts
even so, I try…

I would like to nominate Pinklady-Bing for next week’s Perfect Poet!